Inside BEA 2011: Day 3


I promised myself that I would not collect any take home books until Thursday. So much for promises! While walking through the BEA 2011 show floor there were titles that had my name on them. I can barely carry my bag. I visited some local reseller booths such as Duke Press and Algonquin Books, and some technical presses like MIT and Wiley.

My big takeaway today is that more of our partners are a accepting ePub format for ebooks I can't wait to get back to SAS and share the news. For SAS I can only hope that continuing to offer our titles through many channels helps.

Please continue to let us know what you like or don't like about ereading.


About Author

Sandy Varner

SAS Publishing Operations Manager

Sandy joined SAS in 1980 and has been in publishing for over 30 years. In addition to supporting the SAS bookstore, she also focuses on business development with resellers in the publishing industry such as the Apple iBookstore, Amazon, Google, and Barnes and Noble.

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